Identified and described both shared symptomatology of depression and anxiety and the different manifestations of the two.

Discussion Questions

Complete the following discussion questions which are based on concepts and principles from the assigned readings for this module.

Your facilitator will guide you in the selection of two of the four discussion questions. Submit your responses to both questions to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Through the end of the module, comment on the responses of others.

Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between one or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.

You will be assigned two discussion questions in this module; each is worth 32 points. The total number of points you can earn for this assignment is 64.

Discussion Question 1: Bipolar Disorder vs. Depression

How would you apply the DSM decision tree for assessing a client who has been referred to you for a depressive episode? How do you think this plan would enable you to decide between the diagnosis of major depressive disorder and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder?

Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:

[6/6] – Described how the DSM-V takes the diagnostician through the steps to come up with a diagnosis of a client.
[6/6] – Described how the DSM-V helps a clinician differentiate between major depressive episode and bipolar disorder.
[4/4] – Supported your response with references, texts, articles, and experience.

Discussion Question 2: Generalized Anxiety

How do symptoms of depression and anxiety overlap or mimic each other, particularly in terms of affecting performance factors?

Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:

[6/6] – Identified and described both shared symptomatology of depression and anxiety and the different manifestations of the two.
[6/6] – Described how each of these mental illnesses affects performance.
[4/4] – Supported your response with references, texts, articles, and experience.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDiscussion Question Response: Please see specific evaluation criteria listed below each discussion question.16×2Discussion Participation: Participated in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging a point of discussion, or making a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.8x2While responding, justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience.4x2Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.4×2Total:6

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