Can descriptive statistical processes be used in determining relationships, differences, or effects in your research question and testable null hypothesis?


Hypothesis might be ” There will be decreased work reported difficulties with decreased relational abilities of forensic psychologists in correctional environments.”

Null: There will be no differences in work related difficulties in forensic psychologist with decreased relational abilities in correctional environments. ”

This way we can have data to measure, i.e. reported work related problems and relational abilities, probably via a scale.

ssignment 1: Descriptive Statistical Processes

Can descriptive statistical processes be used in determining relationships, differences, or effects in your research question and testable null hypothesis? Why or why not? Also, address the value of descriptive statistics for the forensic psychology research problem that you have identified for your course project.

Click here to read an article for additional information on descriptive statistics and pictorial data presentations.

Post your response in a minimum of 300 words.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources






Can descriptive statistical processes be used in determining relationships,

differences, or effects in your research question and testable null

hypothesis? Why or why not? Also, address the value of descriptive

statistics for the forensic psychology resear

ch problem that you have

identified for your course project.


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