case study questions 3414677 2


Respond to the following 4 questions in 325 to 375 words using the case study provided.


  1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?


  2. How might Dr. Romaro’s ambivalence toward the death penalty influence his decision to offer a forensic diagnosis of intellectual disability? How might John’s “confession” or his comment about the “boy waiting for the bus” influence the decision? To what extent should these factors play a role in Dr. Romaro’s report?


  3. How are APA Ethical Standards 2.0f, 3.06, 4.04, 4.05, 5.01, 9.01a and 9.06 relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?


  4. What steps should Dr. Romaro take to ethically implement his decision and monitor its effect?





Fisher, C. B. (2013). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


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