Creswell, J. W.    (2013).   Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.   Sage.     9781452226101

Use assignments 3 & 7 to complete assignment 8: 

Assignment 8

Using the information described in assignment 3 & 7 to create a chart to provide a visual graphic of how the variables or criteria align with the selected theory in response to the research question.

Submit chart using points of emphasis above. 1 or 2 pages.

On a separate document use the information from assignments 3,7, &8 to complete assignment 9: Assignment 9

ollowing the Prospectus description for the Background of the Problem in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the criteria and information from previous activities to draft your Background of the Problem. Use your Research Question as your focus for the discussion. Clearly identify key issues, challenges, disparities, or discrepancies relevant to your problem. 

Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 2 to 3 pages.


Book  American Psychological Association    (2010).   Publication manual of the American Psychological Association .   (6th Edition).   Washington, D.C.

 Creswell, J. W.    (2013).   Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.   Sage.     9781452226101

he Teenage YearsInstructions

Pretend that you are a psychologist who is meeting with a client concerned about her 14-year-old. Your client tells you that she is not sure what to expect, now that her child is becoming a teenager. She asks you, “What is going to happen to my child biologically, psychologically, and socially over the next few years?” She also wants to know how she can build a strong relationship with her teenage child and better cope during these many developments.

Write a 2-3 page paper addressing your client’s questions and concerns. Be sure to cite the unit readings and/or outside sources to support your facts and statements. Include both in-text citations and a reference page, in APA format.

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