Critically evaluate literature review and identify knowledge base (
- Research Article Critique Assignment: Several peer-reviewed research articles are provided in this module from which you may choose. See below. Select one of the research articles posted in this module and complete the research article critique checklist, which is attached for this assignment and substantiate your responses under the comments section. Do not submit a paper for this assignment
- . Again, select an article, open the research article critique checklist, complete the responses, and support your responses in the comments section. Add a title page with your name and the name of the article selected.
- The following will be used as the grading rubric.
- State and critique the research article title (1 pt)
- Identify abstract components (1 pt)
- State the problem and significance to nursing (1 pt)
- ccccccccccccccccccc (1 pt)State the purpose and the questions or hypotheses (1 pt)
- Critically evaluate literature review and identify knowledge base (10 pts)
- Previous studies identified and described?
- References current?
- Does the researcher critique the studies?
- Current knowledge of the research problem described?
- Identify, discuss, and critique the major sections of the research report (10 pts)
- Introduction
- Methods (population, sampling method, protection of subjects, design, instruments)
- Results (analyses)
- Discussion (discuss the study limitations, implications, and research recommendations)
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