Describe the 2 ways in which neurons communicate;

Complete the information requested about Neurons, Hormones and the Brain, by researching the answers to the following quieries:

  • Summarize the 2 major parts of the nervous system;
  • Define 3 of the 5 systems that comprise the peripheral nervous system and provide one example each for the systems selected (use your own examples not from the text book);
  • Describe the 2 ways in which neurons communicate;
  • Summarize 4 of the major parts of the brain and corresponding major functions; and
  • Describe the 4 neurotransmitters that travel specific paths through parts of the brain.It is imperative for psychology students to learn how to create informed consent and debriefing forms that adequately state the purpose of studies to the participants in an ethical manner. In your capstone class, it is an expectation that you have a created a consent and debriefing form for your research proposal. It will be beneficial if you create this assignment around the topic you would like to research.

    Before you begin the assignment, view the APA website and read the ethics listings.

    Create an informed consent form and a debriefing form that explains the nature and true purpose of the study. Be sure to cite your sources at the conclusion of the document.

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