DF 9 Business Law

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DF9 – Privacy and Prizm (Ch. 17)


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 Last year, we learned of the National Security Agency (NSA) “Prizm” program.  Prizm is an Internet surveillance program collects data from online providers including e-mail, chat services, videos, photos, stored data, file transfers, video conferencing and log-ins. 

In confirming its existence, government officials have said that the program, called Prizm, is authorized under a foreign intelligence law that was recently renewed by Congress, and maintained that it minimizes the collection and retention of information “incidentally acquired” about Americans and permanent residents.

Proponents of the Prizm program say it is necessary to guard the country against terrorist threats.   Critics of the program say it is further evidence of an alarming and ever-widening surveillance state. 

Here is a link to an article in the NYT:  Verizon Prizm Article NYT (Links to an external site.)

Recently, a federal court judge held that the Prizm program was unconstitutional: news.yahoo.com/judge-deals-nsa-defeat-bulk-phone-collection-192817730.html (Links to an external site.)

Where do you come out on the Prizm program?  Explain.  

Here is an interview with Edward Snowden who blew the “whistle” on the NSA and Prizm.  It is largely a dry interview, but you may find the detail interesting:  www.youtube.com/watch (Links to an external site.) (right click, new tab).

In a rare interview, CBS was able to gain access to the NSA and here is their response to Prizm and Mr. Snowden:  www.cbsnews.com/news/nsa-speaks-out-on-snowden-spying/ (Links to an external site.)

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