Edward is a seven-year-old boy who has difficulty reading. His teacher refers him to the school psychologist to evaluate for a learning disability.
By the due date assigned, submit your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions through the end of the module, and continue the discussion through the end of the module.
Edward is a seven-year-old boy who has difficulty reading. His teacher refers him to the school psychologist to evaluate for a learning disability. The psychologist’s report concludes that Edward has dyslexia and mild central nervous system impairment.
Edward’s mother asks whether the report means that her son has brain damage. The psychologist says, “He has impairments, but I wouldn’t say that he is brain damaged.”
How would you explain this answer? What is dyslexia?
What are the different nuances of meaning associated with the expressions brain damage and central nervous system impairment?
In our culture, are we overly sensitive and fearful about the idea of brain damage?
Is this fear justified?
n this week’s reading we learned about four types of causality: causally necessary, causally sufficient, causally necessary and sufficient, and causal dependence of one variable on another.
By the due date assigned, post two example claims of at least two types of causality and label them appropriately. Then, explain why the example fits your definition/selected type of causality.
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