english essay 9891011 2


You are required to write a 3 pages double-spaced essay (font size 12) in response to one of the prompts below:-


(1) In the Sidereal Messenger, Galileo implicitly endorses a basic method for arriving at reliable conclusions regarding physical phenomena.  In his video, “The Moon is a Hologram/Projection,” Dave Johnson, a self-proclaimed Moon-Truther, offers some conclusions regarding physical phenomena—specifically the Moon.  You can see some of his conclusions here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdtNsfHGgU0. Given the methods he endorses for arriving at reliable conclusions regarding physical phenomena, (1) do you think that Galileo would agree or disagree with the findings of the Moon-Truther (Dave Johnson)?  Please explain why or why not.  (2) Whose methods and conclusions do you find more persuasive and reliable—Galileo’s or Dave Johnson’s?  Why?       

Please answer the questions above and make sure to ground your arguments in specific evidence from the text.    


·      What you should include in the essay :-


1-    Introduction. Make sure your thesis (main claim) incorporates both questions. I am asking you to take a position on two questions, and your thesis should be one coherent statement that previews your answers to both questions.


2-     Body Paragraphs A. Describe Galileo’s method for arriving at conclusions regarding the physical realm. Provide supporting evidence from the text. Our in-class exercise regarding the scientific method helped prepare you to identify and describe Galileo’s method. C. Describe Dave Johnson’s method for arriving at conclusions regarding the physical realm. Provide supporting evidence from the video. D. Answer Question 1: Given the information described above, would Galileo agree or disagree with the findings of the Moon Truther? Why or why not? Here you move from description to analysis and evaluation. Address relevant counterargument. Try to think of at least one objection to the claim you are making, and explain why you think your claim is still more persuasive (given this objection). You might say something like this: Although I argued that Galileo would not approve of Dave Johnson’s methods and findings, one might object to my claim because_____. However, this objection overlooks____and therefore my argument still stands. E. Answer Question 2: Whose methods and conclusions do you find more persuasive and reliable and why? Provide a reasoned argument (i.e. justify your claims). Address relevant counterargument. Although I argued that Dave Johnson’s methods and findings are more reliable, one might object to my claim because_____. However, this objection overlooks ____ and therefore my argument still stands.


3-    Conclusion. The conclusion should serve two basic functions: summarize the findings revealed in the body of your essay, and restate your thesis. You should not use your conclusion to introduce new information or argument. And your conclusion should be a full paragraph (i.e. 4-5 sentences).



NOTE: Attached is the book that should be used as a citation. * USE QUOTES AND EVIDENCES FROM THE BOOK

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