Explain some of the reasons families experience stress and what are positive ways to reduce that stress?


An important element for graduate students entering the academic job market for the first time is the curriculum vitae. A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is essential for anyone who is interested in obtaining a job in a scientific related field, especially those who plan to obtain an advanced degree. A well-written and organized CV is the critical first step in applying for a job and is the first impression an employer will make about you. In today’s competitive job market, having a CV that stands out and highlights all of your training and accomplishments will be a significant advantage when you are ready to apply for your first job.

Review the Writing the Curriculum Vitae information (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website, and then create your own Curriculum Vitae using the Curriculum Vitae template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You should use your own name, but please use a fictitious address, date of birth, and contact information. View theses samples of curricula vitae for assistance in completing this assignment.

This week we are looking at our personal experiences and evaluating them based on our readings. We will discuss our thoughts on specific topics that influence children. When we reflect on our own lives and discover where values and rules that shaped our overall being came from, it will give us better insight into understanding how we introduce those values within our current (future) family.  Remember to start each peer reply with the name of the person to whom you are replying to. To achieve the highest grades, always compare the rubric to your postings!

enlightenedWhile you need to address two of the four questions this week, your reply does not have to be balanced in detail. If one question is more important to you than the other, please expand in the one area that gives you the most interest.

  1. After reflection, please share what ways you have experienced/ witnessed, within a family,  that promoted positive and healthy relationships. Contrast the extra parenting challenges we may find in an extended family that we wouldn’t find in a traditional family.
  2. Managing stress in a family today is important. Explain some of the reasons families experience stress and what are positive ways to reduce that stress?
  3. Are there any areas where you think parenting today, in general, is lacking? For example, nutrition, sleep, media availability, etc. Please explain why?
  4. Explain how parents best deal with problem behaviors with their children? How does punishment fit into this?
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