professional nursing plan

Question description

professional nursing plan. I am an ICU nurse. Follow the rubric and answer

Part B: Analysis and Conclusions

References, Format, and Organization

Write at least one paragraph (at least three sentences) in response to each of the categories below. (Each space will expand as you type.) Use at least 5 references to support your discussion of each component. The references that you utilize aid in validity of your personal philosophy as well as help to strengthen your argument for prioritization as well as strategies used. Write citations in APA format, and include a references list (in APA format) at the end of the document. (NOTE: To make it easier to distinguish your work from the guiding instructions, use black text.)

Statement of Philosophy

Record your statements of philosophy of Nursing and of personal philosophy. Explain how these are reflected the values, vision, and personal interests that you recorded in your “My Vision and Interests” tool.

Use of Assessment Tools to Formulate Goals

Clearly utilize information from the Assessment Tools as the basis for formulating your goals. Develop a list of prioritized goals based on your assessments. Goals must be stated in measurable terms, i.e., how can you tell you have accomplished that goal? Identify dates for accomplishing each goal.

Specific Strategies

Identify specific strategies for accomplishing your goals. Give specific examples for accomplishing your goals, including resources and major intermediate steps.

Priority of Goals

Explain how the priority of your goals is consistent with your statements of values. Explain how your goals are congruent with each other and with your values.


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