It is your responsibility to have it ready and turned in through Canvas. This follows the make-up policy discussed in class and on the syllabus. I would like for you to select a topic in Psychology that you are interested in researching. You will need to pick a specific topic and submit it to me for approval through Canvas no later than August 20. If you fail to submit a topic, I will assign you one.
The paper needs to be 4-6 typed pages. It should have a title page and a reference page (these do not count towards the page count). There is no abstract. The second page should start with a title line. Then, you go directly into the paper. The 4-6 typed pages mean that there is a minimum of 4 full pages typed, not a few sentences on the fourth page or just half of the fourth page.
Formatting: The paper should have 1-inch margins and size 12 Times New Roman font. The spacing before and after paragraphs should be set to “0.” This paper needs to be double-spaced throughout the whole paper, including the title page and reference page. Page numbers should be in the header on the upper righthand corner and formatted with your last name and the page number. The title page does not have a page number, so the second page should start as page 1. Works Cited: You need to have a minimum of three peer-reviewed research articles. These can be found using the research database on the Slcc library page. There should not be any webpage citations, which means NO WEBPAGES! You may also use your textbook as a reference, however, it does not count towards the three references requirement. I am also not allowing any encyclopedias as a reference.
You need to cite your references in the text of your paper using APA citation. Your works cited page needs to be formatted in APA. When citing your references in your paper, you need to paraphrase the information. Do not use block quotes.
Organizing and Writing the paper: The writing should be done in complete, grammatically correct sentences. Your writing should have paragraphs. There should be a thesis sentence at the beginning of your paper explaining what you are planning to write about and why. Your conclusion should explain what you learned about the topic. Below in bold is a sample on how to organize your paper.
Organization Introduction: Clearly define what you are presenting and why you selected this topic Body: background, diagnostic criteria (per DSM-5) and pervasiveness (how common and what population of individuals it affects), causes, ages, gender, treatment strategies (medication, therapy/theories) and any other information you feel is relevant. Conclusion: Explain what you learned and how this info will help you personally/professionally. If you need help or are having a hard time finding information, please contact me or you can ask for help in the library.
This is a Psychology research paper, not your opinion of the topic. You should be writing to show me your understanding of the Psychology topic that you chose, not your personal opinion of the topic. If you have questions about this or any of the instructions, let me know.
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