Research Table Guidelines and Rubric
PSY 560 Research Table Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: The purpose of the Research Table document is to help you organize the research that you conduct for your final project. The first portion of the document is an annotated bibliography. Here you will keep notes on the various research materials that you read while researching your final project. The second portion of this document is a chart that you can use to take notes on key theories related to the theories you encounter during the course. Your first entry in your table was related to Freud’s theory. This practice will allow you to receive meaningful feedback on your use of this tool to help you support your final project. Prompt: For this assignment, complete rows of the annotated bibliography section of the table with research you encounter during the course. Use research you have identified related to the final project’s selected theory. Note how the research is related to your selected theory for the final project. How relevant is the research? How does the research compare to or contrast with the final project theory? You will use this information as you complete the milestone assignments and the final project. Incorporate the feedback you receive from this assignment as you continuing working on the table. Incorporate the feedback you receive from this assignment as you continue to add additional research to the table. Part One: Annotated Bibliography
i. Citation: Use APA formatting for your citations. ii. Summary and applicability to the final project
a. Not all sources you encounter in your research will be applicable to the final paper, so it is a good idea to note the relation the theory does or does not have. You may come back to a source at a later time as you gain more insight about the different theories, so note all the different research you encounter for easy retrieval.
iii. Additional Notes Part Two: Theory Chart
i. Key Concepts a. Identify the key concepts of the research.
ii. Historical Context and Historical Figures a. Summarize the historical context of the research, including historical figures related to the research.
iii. Validity and Accuracy a. Part 1 of the textbook explains these terms to help you further evaluate the theory based on validity and accuracy. Use this information to
evaluate the validity and accuracy of the research. iv. Applicability of Theory Today
a. Identify the contemporary application of each theory. v. Theory’s Relationship to the Final Project
a. Does the new theory support or contrast with the theory evaluated in the final project? b. What key concepts are important for the comparison to the final project? c. Is there a strong or weak relation to the theory evaluated in the final project?
Guidelines for Submission: Use the Research Table document provided. Submit the table as a Microsoft Word document. Note: This rubric will be used for the Research Table checkpoint as well as for the final submission of the research table. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (80%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Part One: Research Citation
Includes the correct APA citations for the research with links to the studies
Includes the correct APA citations for the research or provides links to the studies but does not include both items
Does not include the correct APA citations for the research or links to the studies
Part One: Summary and Applicability
Includes a well-defined summary of the research study and how the research applies to the final project
Includes a summary of the research but is not clear how the research applies to the final project
Does not include a summary of the research and how it applies to the final project
Part Two: Key Concepts
Clearly identifies the key concepts of the research
Identifies key concepts of the research, but identification contains inaccuracies or is cursory
Does not identify key concepts of the research 15
Part Two: Historical Context
and Historical Figures
Correctly summarizes the historical context of the research and, if applicable, important historical figures related to the research
Summarizes the historical context, but the research is not well-defined and/or important historical figures are not included
Does not summarize the historical context of the research or related historical figures
Part Two: Validity and Accuracy
Evaluates the validity and accuracy of the research
Evaluates the validity and accuracy of the research, but evaluation is not clearly defined or lacks clarity
Does not evaluate the validity and accuracy of the research
Part Two: Contemporary
Identifies contemporary application of the research
Identifies contemporary application of the research, but it is not relevant to today
Does not identify contemporary application of the research
Part Two: Connection to Final Project
Makes a clearly defined connection of the research to the final project
Connection of the research to the final project is unclear or not clearly identified
Does not make a connection of the research to the final project
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