State your area of research or evidence-based practice (EBP) interest from NR 500; remember that the topic must be consistent with your specialty track.
For this discussion the focus is on presenting the area of interest for the evidence-based practice proposal that is required for this course.
- State your area of research or evidence-based practice (EBP) interest from NR 500; remember that the topic must be consistent with your specialty track.
- State your MSN program specialty track and defend how your selected area of research or EBP interest from NR 500 is consistent with your selected MSN program track.
- Would you like to change your area of research or EBP interest from NR 500? Why or why not?
- If you changed or modified your area of research or EBP interest, please identify the revised area of research.
- Defend how your area of research/EBP interest is of importance to the MSN program specialty track you have selected—scholarly references are required.
- Identify an initial PICOT/PICo question that reflects you area of interest for the evidence-based practice proposal that is required for this course.
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