Running head: TELE HEALTHCARE 1
Tele Healthcare 5
Tele Healthcare
Enrique Cateriano
Written Communications II
Jennifer Haber
West Coast University
Tele Healthcare
Approximately over 50 years of telehealth development has seen tackling of numerous medical conditions through the utilization of different types of technologies. Tele healthcare has been associated with a wide variety of outcomes in the healthcare. Despite the fact that it as shown great promise in the modern times, it has also triggered a number of challenges for interpretation and technical issues that are linked to the lack of technological expertise among the healthcare practitioners. For instance, then challenges that exist in defining such terms as telehealth is a reflection of the broader difficulties when it comes to the interpretation of the complex interplay that exists between clinical output, patient involvement, service designs and technology. Despite these significant challenges whose impacts in the healthcare delivery is great, the significance of telehealth practices cannot be overlooked in terms of the patient outcomes and efficiency of healthcare delivery. Tele healthcare has enhanced information sharing between patients and doctors even those who are located in the remote areas. It has made it possible to monitor the progress of patients within and outside the facilities devoid of the need to have physical meetings. The benefits of tele healthcare outweigh its pitfalls hence it is important that is integrated into medical practices to optimize patient outcomes.
Tele healthcare is depicted as personalized healthcare that is delivered over a long distance such that data is transferred from the patients to the professionals and back. It has played a key role in enhancing feedback from the patients to the professionals for the interest of evidence-based decision making and treatment. For instance, the significance of telehealth can be evident among the inpatients with severe long-term conditions such as diabetes and long-term asthma. It has played a key role in reducing hospital admissions without increasing mortality.
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