What drew the theorist into pursuing nursing education?b
A.Description of the Theory
This section will help you to begin your critique by providing a thorough description of the theory, including the key terms, concepts, attributes, and applications of the theories in the literature.
1.Describe the theory and what it addresses.
2.What level is this theory and how did you determine that category (grand, middle-range, or situation-specific).
3.What school of thought is this theory (see Meleis, chapter 9).What criteria did you use for this theory to determine school of thought?
4.Evaluate the included assumptions.Are the assumptions familiar to you and legitimate for your practice?
5.Describe the concepts inherent in the theory and how they relate.
6.Describe the key terms and definitions one should know in order to speak the theory’s language.
7.Describe the working components of the theory
8.Give an example of the theory’s use in nursing at the beginning development and within the past two years.
B.Historical Period and Context of the Theory’s Formation
This section will help you to consider the historical and philosophical context of the theory by exploring the events occurring in the theorist’s childhood, lifetime, and in nursing that would have contributed to their theoretical reflection and development?
1.In what period and during what surrounding historical events did the theory develop and become published?
2.How did these events impact nursing and contribute to the theorist’s interest in the theory
3. What made the theory seem necessary and relevant for addressing the patient population or focus of concern?
C.Educational Background
1.Address all aspects of the author’s education – even their early exposure to formal education.How was education for women viewed in the theorist’s family?
2. What drew the theorist into pursuing nursing education?
3.What aspects of the theorist’s educational experiences may have created an interest in theory?
4.Did the theorist identify someone in their educational experience that guided them into theory development?
D.Influences of Events & People and Philosophical Foundations
1.What is philosophy and why is it important in theory development?
2.Does the theorist explicitly discuss their philosophical foundations (belief system, way of seeking truth, foundational beliefs for their theory?).If so – explain what they discuss.
3.Who did they indicate influenced them as they were developing their theory?Whose thoughts and philosophy of health and nursing inspired the author?How would you describe the philosophical foundations of those who influenced them?
4.Who were the author’s contemporaries within and outside of nursing?Who was the theorist first drawn to?
5.Has the theory evolved or been revised since it was first described by the theorist?If so, what was the stimulus for the changes?
E.Experiential Background
1.What were the theorist’s professional and/or personal experiences?In what roles did the theorist perform?
2.How did these experiences contribute to the theorist’s theoretical journey and development of this specific theory?
F. When complete, provide an overview of your rationale for selecting this theory. Reflect on your personal nursing experiences regarding how the theory might fit for your practice. (MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSE)Give a brief example or an application of the theory in your practice area. Also address what you discovered in your research and reflections.
*NOTE* MY Area of expertise is medical surgical nursing.
A minimum of three current scholarly references must be included. APA CITATION.
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