What would you recommend to counselors planning to lead this group?VII

Grief counseling is a very broad topic. You will need to narrow both the population and the presenting problem a bit further when developing your group. For example, it will be important to think about the nature of the grief/loss you may focus on in your group (death of a spouse, child, extended family member, etc). Additionally, there are a lot of group plans out there that focus on grief and loss. It is important to develop your own plan and not simply copy one that is already in place.

Group Counseling Plan Instructions

· July 15 by 11:59pm

· Points None

Key Performance Indicator Assignment: Group Counseling Plan

You are required to choose a group counseling topic you would like to research and for which you will develop a six-week group framework plan. The instructor must approve your topic in advance.

Sample topics could include:

1. Grief counseling

2. Self-esteem building

3. Conflict resolution

4. Social skills

5. Interpersonal communication

6. School achievement skills

7. Decision making (college/career focus)

8. School transitions

9. Addictions

10. Parenting education

Your counseling plan needs to specify the population for whom the group is tailored. You also need to include relevant research regarding effective small group intervention plans for this topic and population. You will then design (in outline form) a 6-week, small group counseling plan based on this research. You are required to submit the assignment in written form. Your written paper needs to follow the outline form below. Please make sure you address each point in the outline.

Instructions: The outline of this group counseling plan will include the following sections:

I. Introduction

a. Is this topic more appropriate for small or large group? Highlight why individual counseling wasn’t chosen.

b. What is your specific population of focus for this group? (e.g., court mandated clients, children who have lost a loved one, adolescents with school difficulties, couples, etc.)

II. Characteristics of Group Leaders

a. What group leader characteristics are necessary for successful group facilitation?

b. How does the type and formulation of the group impact your group leader selection and facilitation?

III. Culturally Relevant Strategies for Designing and Facilitating Groups

a. How do cultural and diversity factors impact development and facilitation of your group?

b. What steps have you taken to insure these strategies are in place?

IV. Research

a. What does the research suggest as effective interventions for this population?

b. What does the research show was ineffective for working with this population?

V. Group Counseling Plan

a. Clearly outline at least 6 sessions for the group

b. Include the following for each session:

i. Objectives for each session

ii. Materials needed for each sessioniii. Step-by-step instructions for leading the lessons, including process questions the leader should ask with the activitiesiv. Any additional materials (e.g., worksheets, handouts) the leader will needVI. Recommendationsa. In addition to the group, what (if anything) should the counselor do to ensure that the client’s needs are met in this topic area?b. What would you recommend to counselors planning to lead this group?VII. Referencesa. APA style is requiredb. At least 5 professional references must be used (no websites or self-help books)A rubric for this assignment can be found attached to this assignment. Students must receive at least a 70% to receive a passing grade. A student who scores less than 70% of the grade on the KPI assignment must complete an Individual Remediation Plan with the instructor. Failure to successfully remediate the KPI assignment will result in an F (Fail) grade in the course.“SAMPLE of Group PLANParenting Education Group1. IntroductionParents continue to face unique challenges associated with raising their families. Parents may have difficulty coping with a child’s personality traits; they may struggle with having to shift parenting strategies as their child reaches a new developmental milestone; they may be a dual-career family and feel they do not have enough time for children or their significant other; they may have to manage coparenting, whether living together or apart; and couples may have to adjust expectations in accordance with life changes such as having a baby and becoming parents.













Dimensions of Diversity

For years, the term diversity has been associated with specific parameters such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. It is important that we continue to understand those dimensions of diversity to evolve our conversation to more global aspects of our cultural selves. The graphic (click to enlarge) illustrates many dimensions of diversity that you may or may not have thought about.

For your initial discussion post think of diversity in all of its dimensions and discuss the concept of “difference.” What does it mean to be “different”? How do you determine who or what is different? Be sure to address the following:

  1. In your family (extended, or otherwise), community, and workplace, what dimensions do you think of when you think someone is “different” than you? Do you focus on different dimensions depending on those three contexts?
  2. Of those dimensions you think of, which can be changed and which cannot be changed?
  3. Of those dimensions you think of, which are visible and which are non-visible? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having non-visible dimensions of diversity rather than visible ones?




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