Write 3 reflection paragraphs about the Sensation, Moral Development, and Psychological Hunger, relating the material covered to something in your everyday life.


First, you should watch the video and then, read the relevant articles. According to these documents you will write an essay which will include the answers of questions that I wrote below.

– 2 pages long 

– 1.5 or 2 spaced

Documents: (Some documents are attached as pdf)

  1. Ann Fernald’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpHwJyjm7rM
  2. – https://www.brookings.edu/blog/education-plus-development/2018/05/21/defending-the-30-million-word-gap-disadvantaged-children-dont-hear-enough-child-directed-words/
  3. https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/06/01/615188051/lets-stop-talking-about-the-30-million-word-gap


– Discuss the relevance of “30 million word gap” idea

– Why do some people criticize the idea, why do some people defend the idea?

– Shall we still keep that idea? Shall we rephrase it?

– What is the pros and cons of each idea?

Write 3 reflection paragraphs about the Sensation, Moral Development, and Psychological Hunger, relating the material covered to something in your everyday life. “Your everyday life” includes but is not limited to: what you personally have experienced, something you have seen on TV, or global/local current events. In the writeup, you should give a brief summary of the topic you chose for each paragraph and a deeper description of how that topic relates to some other experience, event, or issue. Please remember that you are explaining this to an instructor who may not be as well versed in the TV show, event, or experience, so write accordingly.

For each topic(paragraph),

1. A brief (1-3 sentence) description of the concept that you chose.

2. A brief (1-3 sentence) description of what you’re applying that concept to (i.e., something from your everyday life).

3. A summary (2-5 sentences) of why those two things are related.

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