Alcohol and Barbiturates – How does alcohol change the brain’s functioning?
Using the African American culture in Georgia, address the communication needs of this group, in terms of medical information. What are you suggestions for health care providers working with this group to improve treatment adherence?
Requirements: Each 2-3 page (plus cover page and references) paper must be concise and readable by the general public. Use citations and references in APA format to back up your argumen
Answer the following questions after completeing the Psych Sim titled Your Mind on Drugs:
Alcohol and Barbiturates – How does alcohol change the brain’s functioning?
Mechanisms of Drug Addiction – What leads a person to move from the casual or recreational use of a drug to a state of addiction, in which the person experiences a powerful craving for the drug that begins to dominate his or her life?
Addiction Experiment – What type of injection would you predict to be more pleasurable for the rat? Would the location of the injection make a difference?
Results of Addiction Experiment – What conclusions did you draw from the rat’s behavior?
Understanding and Treating Addiction – Why can some people use a drug in moderation for years, while others move quickly from casual use to a full-blown addiction?