breastfeeding 1

nitial response due by Mon. MAY 2, noon, and a minimum of two replies due by Wed. MAY 4, noon.

The number of mothers choosing to breastfeed is on the rise.  Organizations such as La Leche, The International Lactation Consultants Association, WABA, and initiatives such as the BFHI are all doing their part to support this valuable method of nurturing, protection, and nutrition.

Based on your reading and the websites you explored, answer the following questions:

  1. What are two things you learned about breastfeeding that you did not know before? Explain using terms related to lactation, specific components of milk, health of mother, infant, environment.  (8 points)
  2. There are 3,000 hospitals in the United States. How well do you think New York State is doing when it comes to Baby-Friendly Hospitals?  Explain. Use the information you viewed on the  BFHI website and the CDC Breastfeeding Report Card, or any other source that indicates how well we are doing.  (4 points)
  3. World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated globally the first week of August..  Please share any pertinent or positive stories you have or know about breastfeeding. (2 points)


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