need help 2 pages worth methods section

Design an experiment. Consider your resources (i.e. time, money, research assistants) unlimited. Your experiment should identify a group of individuals with a common behavioral problem or at risk for a problem. Your IV may be an experimental variable (i.e. a course of treatment; method of education) or your IV may be a subject variable (i.e., those who live on campus vs. those who live off campus; the difference between men and women). Remember, the goal of your research is to describe, explain, predict or control behavior. Explain all methods. Use ONLY operational definitions. Remember the purpose of the Methods section is to give the reader enough information to accurately replicate your study without giving excessive, nonessential detail regarding your design. You may use a maximum of 2 references in this section, and a minimum of zero. I want the methods section to be based on Asian College Students and Depression. I would prefer to have the therapies to be individual therapy, Group therapy, and family therapy. It needs to be in APA format!
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